Sunny Stubbs, Theatre Educator


Sunny Stubbs is a career theatre educator and is currently studying approaches to theatre education research.

Sunny is currently exploring how efficacy perceptions manifest in students through the theatrical production process

Current Projects

My current research interest centers on understanding how theatre instructional strategies, specifically directing practices and ensemble-building, support high school students’ development of their abilities to function in, and contribute to, a group.  I recently completed a dissertation study at the University of Houston exploring how high school theatre teachers build a strong a high school theatrical company (cast, crew, and directors).

I am interested in connecting with theatre education researchers to discuss and build literacy theory, develop research projects, and share our work in theatre. 

A future project I seek to develop is creating a community for reading  and reviewing current and past plays through the lenses of Critical Race Theory and Culturally Responsive Teaching with the intention of making developmentally appropriate play recommendations that support Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy practices in secondary theatre education.